Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today was Sitter Thursday.  I have a college student come over to play with The Girl on Thursday mornings while I do things around the house or run errands.  I felt a little guilty about it at first because it seemed a bit luxurious to have a mother's helper when I'm a stay-at-home mom, but I'm so glad I moved past that because it has been awesome.  The sitter is terrific with her and it has been nice for me to get some time to do rather mundane things alone.

Today's little slice of heaven was as follows:

- Swing by Goodwill and drop off several bags of clothes and old toys.  I finally got rid of the infant toys that have been sitting in our garage for close to a year!  On this point alone, I would call today a roaring success.  But wait, it gets better.

- A quick trip to Michael's to get some random craft supplies.  Rain is in the forecast and I'm starting to run out of ideas.  I am ready for a few days of crappy weather now!

- Walked next door to Office Max and stocked up on school and office supplies at their killer sale.  Notebooks for a penny?  Check!  Two boxes of crayons for $.20 a piece?  Check!  Glue for $.50?  Yep!  The Little Girl lurves her some glue!  Storage containers at buy 2 get 1 free to hold all of the crap I keep buying at Michael's?  Hello Dolly!  I practically floated out of the store.

- Bed, Bath & Beyond was a bust.  I'm hunting for a step stool that is tall enough for The Little Miss to turn on the bathroom sink faucet without having to hoist herself up onto the counter.  The stool we have is not tall enough and the one at BB&B was even shorter.  The search continues.

- Made a deposit at the bank.  Who doesn't love that?

-Stopped at the flooring store to look at the showroom.  We'd like to replace the hideous flooring in our sunroom and entry way.  I had a lovely chat with the owner and left with 4 floor samples to check out at home.  Which in retrospect was a little stupid because I really need my mom's advice and she is away for the next few weeks.  Mom, if you're reading this, I'll need to do this exercise all over again when you get home.

-And, finally, bliss. 

I cannot resist your siren song, vanilla soy latte.

I also had to buy the awesome sitter a Starbucks card because *sob* this was the last Sitter Thursday.  We're going away next week and then she goes back to school.   But it was awesome while it lasted.


  1. We're still looking for *the* perfect stool, too! grrr!

    Boo for the last sitter Thursday!!! :o(

  2. Yes, boo for the last sitter Thursday but WOOT WOOT for Starbucks! I'm jealous of everything you got done today, well done!

    Following you from
